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.:Seeds:. Literary Arts Journal is teaming up with NEIU's 

These guidelines are much different from our regular submissions guidelines, and if you're interested in those, you can visit the SUBMISSIONS page for more details.

For the .:Seeds:. issue of Independent, we are accepting flash fiction (200 words or less), essays or articles – 1500 words or less, and visual art. 


Art submissions:

  • All artwork submitted must be original, unpublished and produced within the last ten years.
  • Only three (3) submissions, please.
  • We will accept all mediums of art, but all pieces must be photographed well.

1.    72dpi, 400x800 pixels minimum and the file size must NOT exceed 600kb (300dpi high resolution preferred. You may save the slides in medium or low-quality .JPEG setting for 300dpi, to not exceed the maximum file size).

2.    Slides should be individual picture files only, in .JPEG format. Do not include any titles or other additional text.


Editors will assess a body of work, therefore artists should submit slides of 3 different pieces which capture the breadth of an artist’s work. Entries which include sculpture or 3-dimensional art can submit a maximum of 6 slides, allowing up to 2 views of each of 2 3-D pieces.


Spread the word about the submission guidelines for the .:Seeds:. spread in the Independent, and join us on the .:Seeds:. Facebook group page. All submissions are due on, or before, October 29, 2010 at 11 p.m. central standard time to:


Thanks for your inquiry, good luck!